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  1. AllstarDK's post in Using ETS2 Version Only can downgrade directly to 1.40 was marked as the answer   
    Hi Magentilized,
    Thanks for your post on the forum ?.
    There is no need to reinstall the game or anything. SCS has just launched a new update to the SP version, which means we dont support the newest version just yet.
    The developers are working on the update and same will be pushed out as soon as possible. Once released, you just need to install the updates in the TMP Launcher.
    I hope this solves your question ?
    // AllstarDK
    Stream Moderator at TruckersMP
  2. AllstarDK's post in Ingame mouse problems was marked as the answer   
    Thanks for all the replies. RP given for taking your time
    Eventually i found out yesterday, that a 3rd party app was running in the background, which caused me to have two mouses ingame. When i closed that program the normal computer mouse dissapeared.
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