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Veteran Driver VII
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Posts posted by Heemse

  1. Hello, Delight.


    As you might can see in the top of the forums, there's a red message with the text:


    TruckersMP incompatible with latest game version 


    This means you have to downgrade your game, to the version it says in the error.

    If that doesn't solve your issue, the only thing I could suggest is to be patient for the upcoming update. 'll qoute Prime.



    Hey everyone


    We are aware of the recent ATS game update and that it is not compatible with the mod. Our devs are working to get the mod compatible again as soon as possible. ETS is still working!



    Over here you can see how to do it,

    if you're wondering what Version the games are on, check this topic out.



    Hope your satisfied with this solution, let me know if I can help you with it.




  2. Hello, GermanyBall!


    First of all, it sucks to hear you wanting to delete your account. If I'm right, if you close your account. It will be automaticly be shown te the people in charge that you've done it.

    So the application will get removed/declined.  If you're pointing at Recruitment for an position within the TMP Team.


    Hope its not a sad reason, take care.


    And I hope I did help you with this reply.




  3. Hello there,


    Something is blocking it. This can be fixed by trying to following stuff:


    - Press F1 ( To check if the game did set you to pause)

    - Try ESC (Will this bring you to the menu?)

    - Also try your RMB (RightMouseButton) and check if the arrow appears

    - Also try to Alt-TAB

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