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Veteran Driver IV
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Everything posted by Som31

  1. Takie pytanie czy są jakieś małe chodź plany na to by zwiększyć liczbę adminów na serwerach bo albo jest 6 w Rotterdam albo żadnego na całym serwerze!? Bo nie raz coś zgłaszałem ale do ściany
  2. jak widze kogos z kogutami i nie gabarytowym ladunkiem to wiem zeby na niego uwazac tak jak w prawdziwym zyciu jak widzisz kogos kto sie np. kreci po pasach albo go znosi co chwile to staje sie bardziej czujny i przygotowany na to ze ta osoba wywinie cos glupiego... taka odznaka "wariata"... powiedzial ten co leci wszedzie na limiterze
  3. if you go to general discussion I've made what should be made ages ago!
  4. I'm one of those people who flies over 120km/h and never had an accident sure I came in to situation when I had to use hard shoulder or grass to run away from someone going too wide or trying to overtake with not enough speed but because the community it's greater than AI in single player and amount of players playing on EU1 makes me play but with limiter I don't want to go further than 200km otherwise I'm going mental! I do understand that it's for my safety but for God sake I can still ram others, cut them off and push them off road, go head on and implement all type of bad behaviour same as with limiter off so what's the point? Oh yeah less rolls well if you can't judge your speed for a turn you're approaching than I'm sorry but you shouldn't drive! Simple as that
  5. and when I just started to like MP again the limiter is back... come on just be responsible is it that hard!??
  6. and when I just started to like MP again the limiter is back... come on just be responsible is it that hard!??
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