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Veteran Driver IV
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Everything posted by JadedbyEx

  1. Adding things to MP that aren't part of the base game makes it even harder to continue porting to new versions when SCS makes changes. Essentially you are arguing that we should all stay at a certain game version by using the Beta option in Steam to continue playing MP while the team here adds new features. But that only works for so long, as eventually SCS will move so far beyond that version that the beta branch we'd be using will get removed from Steam. Then what? I am just happy that the team here allows me to play online with friends even with the constant challenge of adapting to SCS's changes. If they started adding other things then it would turn into a different game...
  2. Was guessing they might be waiting for the DLC, also. However, it was released this morning, so maybe we get a patch soon.
  3. Yes, ATS just had an update yesterday which knocked out MP for that game until a patch is released from the team here. We just had a similar experience with ETS2 a few days ago.
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