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Veteran Driver VI
 TruckersMP Profile
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  1. Hello everyone! Yes my problem is solved. I left ATS Opened all night and now I can access Multiplayer! Shouldve realized it required 2 hour for the specific game you want to play, even tho I had more on ETS. Thank you!
  2. Hello everyone! I've owned Euro truck simulator 2 for a while now, played TruckersMP for... 5 hours ? I recently bought ATS to try this one but I am stuck at the "check now". It wont activate.... -Tried 2 different browser -waited 4 hours -multiple clicks I have 43 hours on ETS. (the website says 2 hours of either ATS or ETS) -Logged in/out -My steam profile is set to Public (http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197980211182/ ) ( NSFW Comments) What am I missing ? Help!! Thank you! and I hope to play with you guys soon
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