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Veteran Driver IV
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  1. I guess it is unfair to compare ETS2 to other games. BF3/4, ArmA, DCS also have fast moving vehicles but do not seem to lag behind. I guess due to the high performance servers. (And fewer players per server)
  2. I won't call it rubberbanding. He is not moving back and forth. I haven't seen this amount of desync in other games though. I feel like it is server performance rather than PC performance, as there are a lot of player online at any given time.
  3. My friend and I drive some long stretches on the highway. But it causes a lot of desync. We appear on different places on each other's screens. This is annoying because it looks like it's clear to go back to the right lane for the first player, but the second player gets rammed because the truck has not passed on his view.
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