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Veteran Driver VII
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Posts posted by rektbro

  1. Just now, Attached said:


    The car is a freelance thing (aka not made or supported by the base game developers).


    Adding smoke to the car exhaust may be possible, but for trucks, not. Adding something to trucks would mean editing the base game trucks, which I don't believe TruckersMP can do.


    If you want it for Trucks, this is something for SCS.


    If you want it for the car, this is a question for Devs.

    Okay, thanks

    • Upvote 1
  2. Suggestion Name: Smoke coming out of the exhausts on trucks / cars.
    Suggestion Description: Pretty simple, Smoke comes out of your truck / car's exhaust when you accelerate or have the engine on / idle.
    Any example imagesexhaust1.jpg

    Why should it be added?: I believe it should be added because it would be a really cool feature to have in multiplayer. It would make the vehicles look more realistic and I feel like a lot of players will like it.

    • Upvote 1
  3. Hello.

    What you need to do is sit and wait for your game to un-freeze again.

    It is just the game trying to get the economy up-to-date.

    After this process has taken place, there will be no more freezes on ferries, Service Station etc.


    Hope this helps

  4. Hello,

    Few things you can check:

    • In Multiplayer, Press TAB, Make sure "Speed Limiter" is unticked.
    • In-game, Press ESC, Options, Gameplay, Make sure "Speed Limiter" is unticked.
    • Europe 1 is speed limited.
    • Make sure you dont have a External Contract trailer from WOT.

    Hope this helps!

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