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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Community Answers

  1. HeyI'mAmethyst's post in PLEASS MAKE 32BIT !!!!! was marked as the answer   
    Please, have a read through this:
  2. HeyI'mAmethyst's post in Skoda was marked as the answer   
    You also need to have no police accessories on the car (ie blue grille LEDs, police paint and the lights on the top). You are allowed the Pilot paint and lights, however.
  3. HeyI'mAmethyst's post in How to speak? was marked as the answer   
    The CB radio works as a push-to-talk. When you press V, you enable the microphone. Holding down V and speaking will enable you to communicate with other players. Once you let go of V, the microphone disables.
  4. HeyI'mAmethyst's post in How to change the Member Title on forums? was marked as the answer   
    To be able to change your member title, you need 500 posts. Once that's achieved, the option is found here: https://forum.ets2mp.com/index.php?app=core&module=usercp&tab=core.
  5. HeyI'mAmethyst's post in Which DLC Working on MP? was marked as the answer   
    All but the cabin accessories so far (which will eventually will be added)
  6. HeyI'mAmethyst's post in Weird (modded?) truck spotted was marked as the answer   
    It seems to be this mod that is being used:
    If you are wanting a custom interior, you can either request a truck for it here: http://theleedsladmods.wix.com/mpmods#!leedslad/c1p9k, or you can do it yourself with a tutorial here: http://forum.ets2mp.com/index.php?/topic/11106-revised-how-to-create-a-hybrid-truck-with-engine-changes/.
  7. HeyI'mAmethyst's post in Premium Racing paintjob was marked as the answer   
    This is done by either editing the save file, or by editing a dealer file. You just simply change the filepath of the paint to direct to the racing paintjob.
    If you need a tutorial, here's one doing it via dealer editing:
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