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Posts posted by Prime

  1. Honestly I use my mirrors when overtakeing, but because there is constant dsync going on you need extra distance to counter the dsync which has been specified in the rules. To do that you need the distance to be shown in the scoreboard.


    (Author: VavelOnline)

    This is a very simple howto guide on how to overtake (and be overtaken) properly.
    The first thing you should be aware of is DESYNC. Basically, what you see on your screen is not always what the other players are seeing. This might cause (unintentional) ramming in many situations. To counter that effect, here's some practical information that you should always follow.
    When overtaking
    - Start your overtaking maneuver when you are at least 60m from the truck in front of you (you can always check the distances using the <TAB> key).
    - Stay in line
    - When you checked that the other driver is 100m behind you, you can start foldind back.
    - Alternatively, if you see the other driver turn its lights on, or hear him honk 2 short times, it means that you can fold back safely from his point of view, even if you're not 100m ahead. In that case, it's nice to thank him using the left-right-left-right blinker signal. Note that high beams would normally be used IRL, but cannot be seen for now in the MP game.
    When being overtaken
    - Stay in line
    - If you're riding at 90 km/h, it is nice to speed down a little so the other driver has a chance to overtake you.
    - When there's enough distance between you and the overtaker (60m should be enough), turn your lights on (or honk 2 short times if it's night time and your lights are already turned on) to signal that he can fold back safely.
    Source: http://forum.ets2mp.com/index.php?/topic/15-in-game-rules-updated-09-01-2015/


  2. I'm saying have the average ping number and the distance as a graph not am exact number.


    You need distance as a number because I remember there to be a rule that says not to line in when you don't have 200m clearance around you.

  3. This happens because of the different game time of your Single Player game and the Multiplayer server.


    For example: your single player may be at day 100 12:45 and the multiplayer is at day 53 09:26.


    When you get a trailer in SP and get back on the MP server it will read your safefile that says delivery expires at day 101 11:00 hence the huge expiration time.

    You can fix this by resetting your economy.

  4. I play on the EU #1 server because the times that I can play usually finds the US #1 server completely empty or at most around 20 people online. Basically, it'd be trucking the apocalypse simulator. On EU #1 my ping runs around 168ms and I'm super self concious about it and I'm afraid I'm THAT guy (IE the dude lagging and teleporting and wrecking others) I always try to compensate for it by allowing others to pass me by slowing down and moving over in the right lane until my tyres are on the rumble strip, and so far, I've never recieved any complaints. 

    I wish everyone was as smart as you are  ;)


    If I would come up behind you with a 30ms ping you would be getting some minor dsync but not too heavy, unless your internet goes crazy.

  5. Just follow the European trafic rules when nearing trafic lights meaning:

    • Give way for people commming from your right side (left side in the UK)
    • Stop at a full white line across the road or at a stop sign
    • Slow down/stop at a yield sign

    Only problem is that too many poeple don't know trafic law or think that they are playing GTA with trucks  :P

    • Upvote 2
  6. You are most likely experiencing the same issue as many other, feel free to check one of the many posts about crashes with the chrismas dlc  ;)

  7. Because the christmas dlc is not yet supported you may yexperience crashes when nearing a player wo has the paintjob on his/her truck. I have the dlc but disabled it untill it is supported.

    If you continiue to experience gamecrashes you can try to reinstall the mod, its whatworked for me to fix it.

  8. +10 on that idea because this helps a lot to determine the amount of dsync the player in front of you will have when nearing him/her and thus reduces the chance of you colliding with the person in front of you.

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