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About Papa_Raigin

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  1. Thanks for your help, [GökBörü] RedWolf [CZ], but after trying all that you suggested still says that "This Game is not registered to this online account"... The guy has 64 hours of ETS2 played his ATS is working fine. It is saying in his linked games that ETS2 & ATS are both registered. So we are still no further forward though your help is appreciated.
  2. Hi I am trying to help a friend ( who has learning difficulties) setup his MP. I have access to his system so as I can make sure things are all done correctly. but I have hit a problem. the error "This game is not registered to this account".. Though when you log into his TMP it shows both games as registered. I have checked off all the list that comes under the heading "Issues with registering" but cannot seem to find the problem. He was hoping to join us tonight on a convoy but I have still not come up with an answer. Can anyone help please.
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