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Veteran Driver V
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  1. i didnt see a answer how the reconect works in the new update? can somebody explain how it works plz good work ets2MP team good work Truckersmp comunity with this update. i just want to know how the reconnect works greetings
  2. hehehe iam dutch iam only talking english because iam on this forum
  3. how can i join your company DGC me and a friend of mine want to join
  4. yes sorry i couldnt find the best way to report drivers but thanks for the link men btw nice company dgc
  5. he was blocking the entrance of trameri in amsterdam on purpose it happend on EU server 2 i have a screenshot to prove it
  6. hmmm why dont you solve this its verry iritating for most of the truckers dont give me a idea to solve my problem just get the bug out of the game if its wel known regards fcutreg31
  7. hello developers of ets2mp can you please fix the bug that the trailers are upside down somethimes when you are at a comppany its really iritating because you will lose a lot of money by reseting the job its always 12.000 euro to cancel a job when the trailer is upside down or bumping in the floor or against a wall i hope that you can fix this bug regards fcutreg31
  8. it did solved the problem thanks for the fast response Mariio
  9. hi i love to play ETS2 MP but i cant see any rides to ride when i wanna choose a ride the ride list is empty i can see rides at the company's but not in the list how to solve this greets
  10. thanks for your response Mariiio then we need to wait for the developers to come with a new patch of ETS2 Mp i hope it comes soon but iam gonna be sick because of the crashes and the fatal errors but i know the developers are busy almost 24/7 to make this game a succes so i will be waiting for a new update and hope then that the problem is solved
  11. hello why is it that there still are so mutch errors in the game most of the time when you drive into a city the multiplayer crashes or if you drive out of the city when you try to shut the mp down with a fatal error same counts for when you drive elswere outside of the city's then the multiplayer mod will crash also somethimes i hope you can help me to find a solution to solve this problem cuz it dont happen to me mutch but my friends do have it reguraly regards
  12. hello my friend tinasb tries for several times to run the ETS2MP update but if he drives out of the city his game crashes and not for one time but for 3 or four times and he is getting sick of it what can he do to solve this problem
  13. i dont think that is working already . i never tryed it to be honnest but i think you have to report the driver on their name not on their number but i hope you right that you can report on number already i can try it in the future and thanks for the reaction
  14. hello isnt it possible to get a better report system on ets2MP cuz sometimes it happens that drivers just drive against you on purpose to give you damage. it happend a lot to me the last days causing me a lot of damage . and if they do they drive away fast so i cant see the name of the player so iam unable to report that player . but iam still constantly paying the damage of the accidents and iam getting really sick of it cuz i lost a lot of money to it. i always drive nice and iam always keeping me on the rules of the way . but to be honnest there are just a lot of players that dont deserve to play this game cuz they cant drive so maby its a option to make the report system a little better that players can be reported on the number that they have after their name for example i hope i hear from you soon cuz if the problem stays that not serious players are driving on the #eu1 server i really think of stop playing this game greetings
  15. hi i just got one idea about how to report a specified player that crashed in to you and have a name thats to dificult to report maby its a idea to make it easier to report people due report the number of the player that is between () after there name cuz some players have a name thats to dificult to report or see in a short age of time so you wont be able to report him greets
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