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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by Sunstrider

  1. Going on hiatus. No date set for a return.

  2. Mad respect to anyone who uses the map editor. Trying to connect 2 prefabs. Aligned up. No roll or pitch. But for some reason, moving the red node to connect with a green one moves the whole prefab on height. Doesn't matter the orientation i'm looking at.

  3. When is Staff going to post the reasoning for limiting everyone's report limit to 10? It's been a few days and i don't see anything new about it on the forum.

  4. Wow. I had the worst potato lag today. Got on about 12 hours ago on EU 2 when there's about 4,100 on. I spawned at my garage in Katowice. There were up to 15 others in proximity. For 45 minutes, only 2 of those players loaded in while the rest were still 0.0m. So i'm just driving around the garage trying not to get AFK Kicked and my game decides to let me drive a bit, goes "guh", drive, "guh", ect for the entire duration. Besides upgrading to a something that can play the game without any problem, does anyone have any suggestions?

  5. The web report system won't let you submit the report without a valid video link. I use "Open Broadcaster Software", or OBS for short.

  6. Would anyone know how to create your own modded map? I'm curious to try my making one to call my own. If anyone knows, please message me.

  7. Loving the new Duisburg! 1 FPS in some areas. No more 2 hour waits to get out of the city.

  8. When did the server start kicking potato computers? Yesterday, i tried playing ATS and ETS 2. ATS had more of an issue where the assets were loading in (seems like through dial-up), potatoed in place and kicked for "unstable connection". Then ATS crashed. With ETS 2, the assets were loading in, slight potato, kicked for the same reason, but the game didn't crash.

  9. Putting the truck in park for some time.

  10. For the first time in years, the web system load is Heavy.


  11. Don't you love the days when you get woken up by a thunderstorm?

  12. 12 hours ago, i was able to play ATS just fine. And now, i got maximum potato going on? It took roughly an hour to go from Roswell to Artesia.

  13. Is it just me, or does anyone else get sick in November for no reason?

  14. Rare Sight: Other areas of the map are populated. Road to Black Sea DLC.


  15. Updated my signature. What do you think of the change?

  16. There should be a Real Operations for Halloween. "Trick or Treat". So much potential.

  17. I played TMP for 7 consecutive days. This is Day 1.


  18. Day 2 of 7 is now out. Trying to work on Day 3 but i'm too sick to want to do anything.


  19. My POV for RO-13 is up. A lot of TruckersFM songs that played have gotten the video blocked in other countries ?


  20. When you have 1KM of fuel left in the tank and you make it to the pump just in time.


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