Suggestion Name: Optional local AI Traffic restricted to empty map sectors
Suggestion Description:
- Let the local game engine generate vanilla AI traffic when entering an empty map sector (no other players).
- When the player enters a sector that is not empty, or if another MP player enters the sector: withdraw all local AI vehicles to keep all players consistent.
- Make this suggestion optional, or restricted to some servers.
Why should it be added?:
- MP player traffic density is uneven and leads to driving the same routes so as not to be alone.
- With current and incoming DLC expansions, some parts of the map are unfrequented. This should incite players to visit other places in MP.
- Find a trade-off between the MP mod and the solo mod.
(added for more information)
What it is not:
- a synchronized traffic. In this suggestion we do not change the multiplayer part, nothing added, no server overload.
I think it is complex to implement sync traffic on the server side and probably not allowed by SCS unless it is a complete new AI code.
What it is:
- the idea is to partially enables local traffic whenever there is no other MP player nearby (the tab menu is empty).
- each player computer generates its own local AI traffic, as it is done by the vanilla game. There are indeed collision zones managed by the local game engine.
- this traffic is only local and not shared with MP servers, neither other players.
- if another MP player appears (the tab menu is not empty) then, yes, all locally managed AI vehicles disappear. This is not an elegant solution, but for now I don't see any workaround. Problem is that as the locally generated traffic is not shared with other MP players, this will lead to unexpected behaviors, which is unacceptable (I mean, 7 out of 7 on the Duisburg-Calais scale).