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  1. Hi Anriandor, First of all, What it is not: - a synchronized traffic. In this suggestion we do not change the multiplayer part, nothing added, no server overload. I think it is complex to implement sync traffic on the server side and probably not allowed by SCS unless it is a complete new AI code. What it is: - the idea is to partially enables local traffic whenever there is no other MP player nearby (the tab menu is empty). - each player computer generates its own local AI traffic, as it is done by the vanilla game. There are indeed collision zones managed by the local game engine. - this traffic is only local and not shared with MP servers, neither other players. - if another MP player appears (the tab menu is not empty) then, yes, all locally managed AI vehicles disappear. This is not an elegant solution, but for now I don't see any workaround. Problem is that as the locally generated traffic is not shared with other MP players, this will lead to unexpected behaviors, which is unacceptable (I mean, 7 out of 7 on the Duisburg-Calais scale).
  2. Suggestion Name: Optional local AI Traffic restricted to empty map sectors Suggestion Description: - Let the local game engine generate vanilla AI traffic when entering an empty map sector (no other players). - When the player enters a sector that is not empty, or if another MP player enters the sector: withdraw all local AI vehicles to keep all players consistent. - Make this suggestion optional, or restricted to some servers. Why should it be added?: - MP player traffic density is uneven and leads to driving the same routes so as not to be alone. - With current and incoming DLC expansions, some parts of the map are unfrequented. This should incite players to visit other places in MP. - Find a trade-off between the MP mod and the solo mod. (added for more information) What it is not: - a synchronized traffic. In this suggestion we do not change the multiplayer part, nothing added, no server overload. I think it is complex to implement sync traffic on the server side and probably not allowed by SCS unless it is a complete new AI code. What it is: - the idea is to partially enables local traffic whenever there is no other MP player nearby (the tab menu is empty). - each player computer generates its own local AI traffic, as it is done by the vanilla game. There are indeed collision zones managed by the local game engine. - this traffic is only local and not shared with MP servers, neither other players. - if another MP player appears (the tab menu is not empty) then, yes, all locally managed AI vehicles disappear. This is not an elegant solution, but for now I don't see any workaround. Problem is that as the locally generated traffic is not shared with other MP players, this will lead to unexpected behaviors, which is unacceptable (I mean, 7 out of 7 on the Duisburg-Calais scale).
  3. eskolaite


    @DeGelderseTrucker: if you are running CargoWorld on the same computer than ETS2 then leave the "ETS2 Host IP" field to "localhost"
  4. Well, I fully understand this point, and the fact that each member will ask for his favorite mod as we are doing right now I also understand that integrating a mod is difficult and that you have to be sure that it is perennial (either the original author collaborates to update his mod as the ETS2 version goes on, or let the ETS2MP team work on it). However the ETS2MP team has already shown they can integrate popular mods, as they did for the winter mod. If you are refering to the double-trailer feature, this is clearly not something that you can see on western european roads. It's fun (and will be great with the multiplayer mod of american truck simulator) but I'm not sure it is relevant for the european map. For the SCS brainstorm on tandem it is promising, but nothing is said on if this will be developed or not.
  5. Suggestion Name: Add tandem mod to the multiplayer game Suggestion Description: Allow users to drive rigid and tandem trucks. There is a tough point in making the ETS2MP client manage users that do not activate the mod. As usual, the easy way is to display a default truck+trailer, which can look weird. The nice way is to register rigid and tandem 3D models even if the mod is not activated. Any example images: Why should it be added?: Flemming V tandem mod is a quite popular mod that will undoubtedly brings diversity on the ETS2MP roads!
  6. Well, there is also this thread: http://forum.ets2mp.com/index.php?/topic/5713-ad-tandem-mod-in-multiplayer/ However the double-trailer looks like a train rather than a tandem.
  7. I agree, this would be an awesome feature for ETS2MP. Flemming V mod works great and does not change the game mechanics.
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