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Retired Team Member
 TruckersMP Profile
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Community Answers

  1. Akoa's post in Name Change in TruckersMP was marked as the answer   
    You have to wait, there's no way to get your name back without waiting. Think about it next time when you are changing your name.
    Have a nice day!
  2. Akoa's post in Will a ban affect my profile? was marked as the answer   
    No, it shouldn't having a ban is nothing bad, is just to tell you to not break the rules.
    It can only affect for recruitments. If you want to apply for a possition in the team you may find that you can apply because you have been banned recently
  3. Akoa's post in Problems updating TruckersMP was marked as the answer   
    Hello @Dave201990 
    Please try the following:
    Press the Windows Key + R (Win+R) on your keyboard Enter "%programdata%" and press Enter (without the quotes) Find the folder "TruckersMP" and delete that folder. Navigate to C:\Program Files\ and delete the folder named "TruckersMP Launcher" Go to our website and re-download and install the Launcher with admin privileges https://truckersmp.com/download/ Open The Launcher with admin privileges and click "Install Available Updates" 
  4. Akoa's post in Appeal a ban was marked as the answer   
    Hello @RPS1987 
    Can you play TruckersMP now?
  5. Akoa's post in problem launching ats was marked as the answer   
    Hello @[ W.S.I ] Heldaruss [BE]
    Try to do the following:
    Go to Steam>library>ats>right click>propierties>betas>
    I hope this works
    Good trip
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