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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by ColinC

  1. Are the problems gone? Its so annoying that my connection is lost every few seconds.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. videogamer


      I'm not sure but I think Steam doesn't do the price drops but the company that made the game does the price drop.

    3. Mirko9


      Ask steam,be safe on road ,new truckers and kids comming :D 

    4. ColinC
  2. Why has the launcher changed? Its very slow and i cant start with DirectX
  3. I already updated it but i still get this warning..
  4. Strange enough.. But it worked!! Thank you so much!
  5. I have a problem since a while. In ATS Multiplayer there isn't any problem, but when i start ETS Multiplayer the intro things wont show ( i hear the sound) and when the game started my mouse is frozen and i can't do anything. What is the problem? I dont have any of these issues in the offline version. Everything is up to date (and legal), and i don't use any custom mods (except some skin mods and the Scandinavian and France pack)
  6. Bedankt voor de link! Mooie skins.
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