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Posts posted by ALLIANCE Jean M.

  1. a9ljyfq.png



    The European continent always has a place in our hearts and so far there have been many trips through the countries and roads of Europe, haven't we? For those who like to surf in news and you can take time off to relax, explore new landscapes, roads and meet new people, we invite you to participate in the ALLIANCE Convoy in November which will have the theme of Country Convoy on the roads of the American Truck Simulator ?.


    The event is public and you can invite your friends to participate in this adventure with ALLIANCE! Therefore, we count on the collaboration of all participants to acquire a reserved server for this event as well as to obtain a fun trip with the best quality possible.


    We emphasize that the event will be organized in the Brazilian Portuguese language and our support for other languages is not 100% guaranteed due to the limitations of our team, but that does not prevent any person from participating and having fun with us, however, everyone is welcome. Any questions regarding the event must be asked in advance, as during the day before and/or the event, it will not be possible to attend them. Therefore, as we do not want anyone upset or angry with ALLIANCE, we ask everyone to be attentive to all information, temporary event rules along with any eventual changes that can be carried out periodically if necessary.


    How will the event take place?
    In November, the ALLIANCE Convoy whose theme is Country Convoy will take place in a traditional way in order to explore the American simulator that provides us with different landscapes, vegetation, vehicles, trailers and/or loads and various, being thus, everyone will choose vehicles, trailers and cargo as they wish, as long as they respect the temporary event rules, of course.


    During the period stipulated for the meeting (concentration), all players must position themselves in their slots (reserved spaces) or if there is no reserved space, they must go to what we call public slot, in addition, we point out that this will be the only and essential moment to configure your game properly, vehicle, trailer and when everything is ready, feel free to interact and meet the other participants. Afterwards, we will start the event and go to the exit phase where we will carry out the release of all VTCs that have reserved a slot and later the public to proceed towards our destination.


    At the destination, we will start the event closing process starting with the parking of the VTCs and players in their proper places, the media team will carry out its work with all the participants, there will be the final speech with the final acknowledgments led by one or more members of our team and later we will leave a space for any player to feel free to say something about the event, whether from praise, constructive criticism, suggestions and miscellaneous.


    Event Information:
    If you are here it is because you are interested and do not want to miss our event in any way, right? Then check out all the information below:

    • Date: Sunday, November 22, 2020.
    • Meeting Time (Concentration Time): 3:00 p.m. in Brasília Time Zone.
    • Departure Time: 4:00 p.m. in Brasília Time Zone.
    • Main Server: ALC Convoy - Country Convoy.
    • Backup Server: [US] Simulation.
    • Required DLC: None.
    • Event Start: Sacramento (CA).
    • Event Destination: Redding (CA).
    • CB Radio Channel: 15.


    Do you live in regions and/or countries with a different time zone than the one mentioned above? Then click here and check the event in your local time zone.




    Event Route:
    In order to avoid errors during participation, you must define the route according to the image below and the specifications mentioned (if any):





    Notice of temporary rules:
    In order to request and obtain a specific server for this event, at the moment our team will not inform the rules of this event for security reasons and also because the application of the rules on a server reserved for events and an audience works in very different ways. When everything is ready and in compliance, a notice of temporary rules will be created for this event and there you will be able to check all the information related to it. We emphasize that if you want us to be able to ensure and offer better quality and safety for the event, it is necessary that you help us by signing your name on our attendance list which will be listed in the topic List of Presence (RSVP).


    Attendance List (RSVP):
    In order to ensure and offer the best quality and safety during our event, it is necessary that all players, VTCs and communities interested in participating, sign their names until we reach the total amount of 100 signatures on November 8th 2020. If by any chance we are unable to get the quantity stipulated by TruckersMP within the period mentioned above, unfortunately we will not be able to open a request for a reserved server for the event since ALLIANCE as the event organizer has 14 days in advance to request a reserved server. and dedicated to events with all the requirements imposed by TruckersMP.


    We emphasize that if you do not know how to sign your name on our presence list, you can watch our tutorial by clicking here (coming soon) or access our Discord server by clicking here and entering the support areas available to you and your language. Therefore, if we are unable to get a reserved server, ALLIANCE will hold its event on the server defined as backup server.



    Slots (Reservation of vacancies):

    We know that many players are not used to the Slots system or also known as Reserved Places since in the Portuguese and Brazilian community we are the only one or one of the only ones that use this system with the objective to to get better organization, because it's irritating to have players parking in a place that you arrived first and to be disturbing you, right? To avoid this, we use this system and all VTC leaders and representatives can apply for a reserved seat without other people bothering them and, of course, choosing the best one for their drivers.


    • With this, all VTC leaders and representatives will be able to make their reservation by clicking here (coming soon). We kindly ask you to carefully read all the information on the form and fill in as requested, otherwise it will not be possible to reserve a place for you.
    • All Slots will be available in our rules notice, official event publication in the English area of the forum or on our Discord server in the events area.



    * To view the slot images, open the spoiler.













    * To view the slot images, open the spoiler.










    • Like 1
    • HaulieLove 2
  2. 1 hour ago, andreguitar3 said:

    isso acontece quando vou mudar o cor da teg no tamb ele do erro de acidente e fechar o ets2!


    Boa tarde @andreguitar3, tudo bem com você? Será que você poderia nos explicar o seu problema de maneira detalhada pois está muito confuso. Lembre-se que após enviar uma resposta ou o próprio tópico, você poderá ter a opção de editar.

    // Thanks, @Linciano.

    • Like 1
  3. On behalf of ALLIANCE I would like to congratulate Prime Logistics and a happy 2 year anniversary! I also take the opportunity to wish you much success, happiness and all the best to all of you who, like any other VTC, do a great job to make this community a better place. It is very likely that we will not be able to participate this time because we are reorganizing ourselves internally but in future opportunities for events and convoys that we may be present, for sure, we will do our best to be there. ❤️ 


    Kind Regards, Jean M.

    ALLIANCE - President.

  4. Congratulations on the 4 years of VTC, FastCargo. We believe that there were many events around here, don't we? I come on behalf of ALLIANCE to wish you happiness, success and all the best for your company and good luck with your event, as it's very difficult to reach this point. It's very likely that we will not be present as well as the other events because we took a short break to organize ourselves better, but we hope in the future to participate in events at FastCargo as well as the other VTCs. ❤️


    Kind regards, Jean M.
    ALLIANCE - President

    • Thanks 1
  5. PLYbI2Hh.jpg


    Sobre o Evento:

    Com o objetivo de sair do monótono cotidiano, a ALLIANCE no dia 23 de Outubro de 2020 realizará um evento público denominado CarFest. A ideia deste evento é tentar mudar a visão de muitas pessoas sobre o uso dos veículos Skoda em eventos, realizar o sonho e/ou desejo de muitas pessoas em usar este veículo em um evento com muitas pessoas assim como sair dos padrões e desbravar as belas paisagens oferecidas pela DLC Scandinavia em uma pequena viagem de Malmö à Stockholm na Suécia.


    Todos estão convidados e esperamos contar com a colaboração de todos para mudar este paradigma quanto aos carros e salientamos que o evento será público e quaisquer pessoas da comunidade podem participar, porém, a nossa comunicação principal e a organização do evento será no idioma português brasileiro, e isso de forma alguma limita e/ou impede pessoas que não falem o nosso idioma de participar, significando então que todos são bem-vindos.


    Como não queremos ninguém chateado ou zangado com a gente, pedimos que aqueles em que falam ou não o idioma, retirem todas as suas dúvidas e façam os devidos questionamentos com antecedência em nossos ambientes de comunicação pois durante o evento não será possível realizar atendimentos exclusivos já que estaremos concentrados na organização fazendo o nosso melhor para tudo dar certo. Portanto, pedimos para que todos leiam e acompanhem atentamente todas as informações do evento com suas eventuais modificações assim como sigam todas as orientações da nossa equipe.


    Como ocorrerá o evento?

    Devido à limitações por parte de ambos os simuladores, TruckersMP e também pelo próprio Skoda, o evento ocorrerá de maneira mais simples, entretanto, só será permitido o uso do Skoda havendo sua regulamentação prevista em Regras do Evento nesta publicação. Como o carro não abre um leque de opções para criar modificações diversas e criando até uma possível identidade com o mesmo, acreditamos que todos poderão mudar apenas a sua corroda e demais itens que não infrinjam as nossas regras temporárias de evento assim como as do TruckersMP que ainda se aplicar.


    Na concentração todos estacionarão em seus devidos SLOTs e aquele em que não houver um, deverá dirigir-se à área definida como estacionamento público em Malmö ??. Posteriormente todos poderão fazer as suas configurações no carro, assim como verificar se todas as configurações do jogo estão nos conformes e depois interagir com os demais jogadores via chat ou rádio CB. Após isso, será iniciado por alguns minutos o período de saída onde todos deverão ficar apostos às orientações e ordens de saída da nossa equipe.


    No final, nos encontraremos em Stockholm ?? e realizaremos o processo de estacionamento que será junto com a ALLIANCE, e isso é incrível não é mesmo? Mas caso você esteja preocupado com a falta de espaço, saiba que nos desdobraremos para mover aqueles em que ficaram de fora para as demais áreas da cidade. Portanto, realizaremos os agradecimentos e abriremos um momento e/ou espaço para qualquer jogador falar sobre o evento.


    Informações do Evento:

    Gostou da ideia e quer participar com a gente? Então confira as informações abaixo:

    • Data: Sexta-feira, 23 de Outubro de 2020.
    • Horário (Concentração): 20h00m (UTC -3 / BRT).
    • Horário (Saída): 21h00m (UTC -3 / BRT).
    • Servidor Principal: ALLIANCE Virtual - CarFest.
    • Servidor Reserva: [US] Simulation.
    • DLC Requerida: Scandinavia.
    • Início: Malmö ??.
    • Destino: Stockholm ??.
    • Especificações: Todos deverão estar de carro e não poderão utilizar a caravana (Obrigatório).
    • Rádio PX: Canal 15.


    Observação: Caso o seu fuso horário seja diferente daquele mencionado acima, você poderá clicar aqui e conferir os horários do evento no seu fuso horário.






    Regras do Evento:

    • Todas as regras temporárias do evento podem ser encontradas no seguinte edital: Clique aqui para ver o edital de regras temporárias.


    Funcionários do Evento:

    Event Staff da ALLIANCE ou Event Staff ALC refere-se a qualquer membro da gestão da ALLIANCE, Logística, Controle de Comboio ou Mídia e eles terão as seguintes player-tags: Truck LeadCar LeadCo-LeadRear TruckRear CarMediaLMLSMMMSCCEscort e ET (Isso será referido como ALC Event Staff ou ALLIANCE Event Staff na player-tag)Equipe TruckersMP refere-se a moderadores do jogo ou superior. Event Team refere-se à equipe de eventos da ALLIANCE e à equipe TruckersMP.

    As abreviações nas tags do player, conforme mencionado acima, têm o seguinte significado:

    • LM = Gerente de Logística (Logistics Manager)
    • LS = Supervisor de Logística (Logistics Supervisor)
    • MM = Gerente de Mídia (Media Manager)
    • MS = Supervisor de mídia (Media Supervisor)
    • CC = Controle de comboio (Convoy Control)
    • ET = Equipe do Evento (Event Team)


    Com o objetivo de oferecer uma melhor qualidade de evento, obter uma maior segurança e autonomia referente às regras do TruckersMP e às do evento, a ALLIANCE pretende reservar um servidor de evento para todos os participantes, contudo, pedimos a todos para que acessem a nossa lista de presença e defina a sua presença como confirmada. Sendo assim, você pode acessar a nossa lista de presença clicando aqui e colocar o seu nome por lá.


    Baseado-se nos artigos de ajuda da TruckersMP, nós precisamos obter no mínimo 100 nomes confirmados nessa lista de presença para adquirir um servidor de evento e posteriormente abrir uma solicitação de servidor. Reforçamos que devemos ter essa lista completa com 14 dias de antecedência do evento, ou seja, até o dia 09 de Outubro de 2020 devemos estar com essa lista pronta e abrir uma solicitação de servidor caso consigamos atingir todos os requisitos propostos pelo TMP. Contudo, contamos com o apoio de todos vocês e sabemos que podemos ser capazes de adquirir um servidor reservado para o nosso evento.


    Se por algum caso não conseguirmos adquirir um servidor para o nosso evento, reforçamos que o evento do CarFest será realizado no servidor definido como reserva. Portanto, se houver dúvidas de como marcar a sua presença, você poderá entrar em nosso servidor do Discord clicando aqui ou assistir o nosso vídeo tutorial clicando aqui.


    NOTA: Lembrando que para a sua assinatura contribuir na aquisição do servidor de eventos reservado ao Setembro Amarelo, você deverá marcar o seu nome somente como confirmado, caso marque como talvez a sua contribuição não irá contar.



    Para oferecermos uma melhor organização em relação a participação das VTCs (empresas, grupos e comunidades), a ALLIANCE oferecerá um formulário onde cada Líder de VTC poderá solicitar uma vaga inicial e final baseada nos critérios citados pela ALLIANCE. Contudo, você poderá reservar uma vaga clicando aqui.



    • SLOT 01 - Konstnorr
    • SLOT 02 - Ika Bohag
    • SLOT 03 - Ika Bohag
    • SLOT 04 - Ika Bohag
    • SLOT 05 - Drekkar Trans
    • SLOT 06 - Drekkar Trans
    • SLOT 07 - Drekkar Trans
    • SLOT 08 - Drekkar Trans
    • SLOT 09 - NS Chemicals
    • SLOT 10 - Bus Station
    • SLOT Reservado 01 (ALLIANCE e Staff) - Norrsken
    • SLOT Público - Hotel













    • General Slot - Service Station
    • Reserved Slot 01 - BHV






  6. PLYbI2Hh.jpg


    About the Event:

    In order to get out of the monotonous everyday, ALLIANCE on October 23, 2020 will hold a public event called CarFest. The idea of this event is to try to change the view of many people about the use of Skoda vehicles in events, to realize the dream and/or desire of many people to use this vehicle in an event with many people as well as to go out of the standards and to discover the beautiful landscapes offered by DLC Scandinavia on a short trip from Malmö to Stockholm, Sweden.


    Everyone is invited and we hope to count on the collaboration of everyone to change this paradigm regarding cars and we emphasize that the event will be public and anyone from the community can participate, however, our main communication and the organization of the event will be in the Brazilian Portuguese language, and this in no way limits and/or prevents people who do not speak our language from participating, meaning that everyone is welcome.


    As we do not want anyone upset or angry with us, we ask that those who speak the language or not, remove all their doubts and make questions in advance in our communication environments because during the event it will not be possible provide exclusive assistance since we will be focused on the organization doing our best to make sure everything works out. Therefore, we ask that everyone read and carefully follow all the information of the event with its eventual modifications as well as follow all the guidelines of our team.


    How will the event take place?

    Due to limitations on the part of both simulators, TruckersMP and also by Skoda itself, the event will take place in a simpler way, however,  the use of Skoda will be permitted according to the proposed regulation in Event Rules in this publication. As the car does not open a range of options to create different modifications and even create a possible identity with it, we believe that everyone will be able to change only its color, wheel and other items that do not infringe our temporary event rules as well as those of TruckersMP that still apply.


    In the concentration, everyone will park in their proper SLOTs and the one in which there is not one, should go to the area defined as public parking in Malmö ??. Afterwards, everyone will be able to make their settings in the car, as well as check if all game settings are in compliance and then interact with other players via chat or CB radio. After that, the departure period will start for a few minutes, where everyone should be attached to our team's instructions and exit orders.


    In the end, we will meet in Stockholm ?? and carry out the parking process that will be together with ALLIANCE, and this is incredible isn't it? But in case you are worried about the lack of space, know that we will go out of our way to move those who were left out to other areas of the city. Therefore, we will give thanks and open a moment and/or space for any player to talk about the event.


    Event Information:
    Did you like the idea and want to participate with us? Then check out the information below:


    • Date: Friday, October 23, 2020.
    • Time (Concentration): 20h00m (UTC -3 / BRT).
    • Time (Departure): 21h00m (UTC -3 / BRT).
    • Main Server: ALLIANCE Virtual - CarFest.
    • Backup Server: [US] Simulation.
    • DLC Required: Scandinavia.
    • Start: Malmö ??.
    • Destination: Stockholm ??.
    • Specifications: Everyone must be in a car and cannot use the caravan (Required).
    • CB Radio: Channel 15.


    Note: If your time zone is different from the ones mentioned above, you can check the times of the event in your time zone and for that, just click here.






    Event Rules:

    • All the temporary rules of the event can be found in the following rules notice: Click here to see the event rules notice.


    Event Staff:

    The ALLIANCE Event Staff or ALC Event Staff refers to any member of the ALLIANCE management, Logistics, Convoy Control or Media and they will have the following player-tags in the game: Lead Truck, Lead Car, Co-Lead, Rear Truck, Rear Car, Media, LM, LS, MM, MS, CC, Escort and ET. (This will be referred to as ALC Event Staff or ALLIANCE Event Staff in the player-tag). TruckersMP Staff refers to game moderators or higher. Event Team refers to the ALLIANCE event team and TruckersMP team.


    The abbreviations in the player tags as mentioned above have the following meaning:

    - LM = Logistics Manager
    - LS = Logistics Supervisor
    - MM = Media Manager
    - MS = Media Supervisor
    - CC = Convoy Control
    - ET = Event Team


    Attendance List (RSVP):

    In order to offer a better quality of event, obtain greater security and autonomy regarding the rules of TruckersMP and those of the event, ALLIANCE intends to reserve an event server for all participants, however, we ask everyone to access our attendance list and set your presence as confirmed. Therefore, you can access our presence list by clicking here and put your name there.


    Based on TruckersMP's help articles, we need to obtain at least 100 confirmed names on this presence list to obtain an event server and later open a server request. We reinforce that we must have this complete list 14 days in advance of the event, that is, until October 9, 2020 we must have this list ready and open a server request if we can achieve all the requirements proposed by the TMP. However, we count on the support of all of you and we know that we may be able to obtain a server reserved for our event.


    If in any case we are unable to get a server for our event, we reinforce that the CarFest event will be held on the server defined as a backup. So, if there are any questions on how to mark your presence as confirmed, you can enter our Discord server by clicking here or watch our tutorial video by clicking here.


    Note: Remembering that for your subscription to contribute to the acquisition of the event server reserved for CarFest, you must mark your name only as confirmed, if you mark as maybe your contribution not will count.



    In order to offer a better organization regarding the participation of VTCs (companies, groups and communities), ALLIANCE will offer a form where each VTC Leader or VTC Representative can request an initial and final slots based on the criteria mentioned by ALLIANCE. However, you can reserve a slot by clicking here.



    • SLOT 01 - Konstnorr
    • SLOT 02 - Ika Bohag
    • SLOT 03 - Ika Bohag
    • SLOT 04 - Ika Bohag
    • SLOT 05 - Drekkar Trans
    • SLOT 06 - Drekkar Trans
    • SLOT 07 - Drekkar Trans
    • SLOT 08 - Drekkar Trans
    • SLOT 09 - NS Chemicals
    • SLOT 10 - Bus Station
    • Reserved Slot 01 (ALLIANCE and Staff) - Norrsken
    • Public Slot - Hotel













    • General Slot - Service Station
    • Reserved Slot 01 - BHV






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