Community Answers
Darkstar.'s post in How to get synced jobs was marked as the answer
Post locked and moved to solved, Poster said it's been solved,
Darkstar.'s post in UNSUPPORTED GAME VERSION DETECTED was marked as the answer
Currently If you've Downloaded the 44MB Update for ETS2 Your MP Will not work at the moment until a new Update for MP is out,
Downgrading the game will not work at the moment, please just wait for a Update to Truckers MP,
Darkstar.'s post in Game crash after 1.25 was marked as the answer
New update out should fix game problems please advise if not
Darkstar.'s post in patch download failure was marked as the answer
The current TruckersMP version is You can download it from
Game version supported for both games: x64 only.
Darkstar.'s post in Problem with rain was marked as the answer
If you have the command (developer mode option/Dev cam, both in ats and ets, you can the the command line g_set_weather 0 to turn the rain off in game and the same to turn it back on again using a 1 rather than a 0
Darkstar.'s post in No missions was marked as the answer
I've had this problem myself,
The best solution i can reccommend to you is too: Trying starting off by using F7 to the service station, then if the problem is still happening try using the sleep option (pull into a rest area and sleep), if this still isn't fixed I'd recommend restarting your game (these worked for myself)
Kind Regards,