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Veteran Driver IV
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Everything posted by kaidenandrus

  1. How do I run ETS mp as administrator?
  2. http://prntscr.com/7mzz9kRecently I have been having a lot of problems ended up getting passed all them and now here. I Have tried to reinstall many times. I downloaded the steam_api.dll (from another problem I had.) Not sure if that effected anything. I have been working 2 days to try to fix all my problems, Thank you for those who help or try to help me out.
  3. What is a TeamView? Never heard of it.
  4. http://prntscr.com/7msllrDoes not let me click on that.
  5. kaidenandrus


    So, First off once again I am sorry for all these forum posts and I know I have seen how to do this somewhere else but then lost it. So, On steam click on ETS 2 and what it is saying that I need to Install it http://prntscr.com/7ms072. However, When I click the install button nothing loads http://prntscr.com/7mrztb times out. So, What I am thinking of doing is re adding this to steam. However, When I get to the product code I have no clue where to find that. If you have a solution that will get me passed re adding this to steam that works also.
  6. http://prntscr.com/7mkptgI now just ran into that problem ended up reinstalling it a few times did not work went to steam tried to look for anything saw nothing.
  7. First off, I know I have seen this one other time on the website then I lost it so I'm sorry I am posting this. The issue: http://prntscr.com/7mkcpfDon't know exactly what it wants me to place in there. I know it has been on this website before I copy and pasted it, It ended up working. If you guys have the exact thing I need to place in there that would be great. (I ended up uninstalling now reinstalling.)
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