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Veteran Driver IV
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Everything posted by Exiless

  1. Thanks for the reply guys. I've come across that MP profile ready to go already. But i sort of wanted to just keep playing my lvl 12 acc with out ruining the SP. I solved it myself this morning. (There is probably easier ways but I don't know about them). I copied to whole ETS2 Folder from my documents as if you would move ur saves to a different computer and saved them in a nother folder which I named ETS2 MP and 1 with SP. Now I can play MP with my old profile, with out risking to damage it. So whenever i want to switch between my SP and MP profile i would just move the whole ETS documents folder back and forward. So know I dont have to start over. Thank god.
  2. Hi. I've kinda realised it would be a good idea to seperate my SP saves from MP. What are the options? This is my guess: Create 2 different profiles and play them from scratch (This should work 100%). Have 1 profile with 2 different saves on. Means you will name 1 save to someting like "Exiless MP" and "Exiless SP". (Does this work, or will the online time get printed on the profile anyway?) Also. Is there anybody that know how to merge or duplicate a profile? I have a lvl 12 SP profile. Is there anyway I can duplicate it or merge it to another profile so I can use that for online usage (sparing me time to play from scratch again). I have tried this so far and none works: Create a new profile ingame, quit game and copy the save folder from my other account into the new. Result: Saved games doesn't load on the new profile) Duplicating the profile in the profile folder. Result: only 1 profile is showing. So no luck so far. //Cheers
  3. Thanks for the reply Blazie. It's noted that I should not take loans on a online account due to the risks lol. Also hiring drivers for your company seems to me to be a way to get the game broken and boring. The reason I play is to advance in income and with drivers. But if the drivers are working crazy when im not even playing i will just get a huge income which I do not deserve everytime i decide to go back to the game. Also i can just start a profile now hire some drivers and go AFK for a month and i will afford to buy whole europe. LOL whats the fun of that? =) New questions: Why is the gametime online 2 times slower than the regular gameplay? Thanks for the online profile there. I'm the guy who plays games from scratch with out cheating. So I will prolly just make a new profile and play myself to the top myslef.
  4. Hello! I'm brand new to the multiplayer section and was at fist pretty excited, but I have several questions. The time seems to be fixed for the server. Means if I take a bank loan the ingame days to pay the dept back is ticking wether I'm online or not? Am I correct? If so, taking a loan online seems kinda risky. Also it clearly says on several pages that workers does NOT work on the multiplayer section. Whomever. I played this morning and hired 2 workers. None of them made a income while i played. But now when I'm back and log in my account balance went from 80k to about 400k (prolly couse of the workers right?) and also I can see that 1 of the workers has a higher driver raiting than me and went from 2 skill points to about 10-15. So they do work, even if you're not playing. Strange... I've read on forums that its suggested that you play on SP untill you can afford your own truck to drive around in. Why is that? Sometimes I have to drive across whole europe but I dont have time to finnish. If i save half way and take a break(eating dinner, sleeping and continue next day) and I log on again. My drive has gone to waste due delivery time expired. Is there anyway to bypass this or do you have to make sure to finnish the whole drive before quitting? //Exiless
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