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Veteran Driver VII
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About nettkraft

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    Belgium / Norway

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  1. Oh, sorry... Here you go http://pastebin.com/ncYrkvLi
  2. Here you go: http://pastebin.com/QU8PxF5w
  3. nettkraft

    Random crashes

    Mod Version: Controllers Used: keyboard Description of Issue: game randomly crashes when using EST2MP. Didn't have this problem with the previous version. Also don't have it when playing the "normal" game. How to reproduce: just play and wait for it Crash log: http://pastebin.com/R40CcDwz I already tried changing the r_segment_buffer size from 128 to 64, didn't help. Thanks in advance!
  4. I have the same problem since the newest update. Just randomly crashes ingame. When on "normal" ETS2, I don't get any crashes.
  5. Thanks!
  6. Anyone else having the same problem as me? When I start the game, ETS2 loads, but not multiplayer. I already removed and re-installed it, it worked once, then crashed. When I reopened Multiplayer, the normal game starts...
  7. Dag iedereen! Heb deze week het spel gekocht en enkele dagen later deze Multiplayer mod geïnstalleerd. Echt super! Tot in-game!
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