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About Astraal.

  • Birthday 03/05/2002

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  • American Garage Location
    California: San Diego
  • EU Garage Location
    Bulgaria: Ruse
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  1. Dear Werzey*,


    Though words may fail to express, I continue to miss you even now, long after you have departed. You were an incredible source of inspiration and support in my life, and your presence had a profound impact on me.

    The memories we shared have become precious to me. The moments we laughed together, the times we overcame challenges side by side – all of it has been a beautiful gift to me.

    You were a remarkable individual in this world. Your warm laughter and wise advice were always a comforting solace to me. I treasure all the time we spent together.

    Though you have left our side now, I will always remember you and hold your value dear. I will strive to become a better person, inspired by you, and share the love and care you bestowed upon me with others.

    May you rest in peace. I pray that you find eternal tranquility, and I will forever love and remember you.

    I am sorry to hear this news about you. My name was "Astrid" when you were the In-Game Admin back, I don't know if you remember me, but back then I shared a lot of information about the game from you, which helped me a lot.

    1. PinkNub_


      It's not possible... it must be bad dream? 😮


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