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Suggestion Name: Increase Speed Limit
Suggestion Description: Increase Speed Limit to at least 120mph.
Any example images: ----
Why should it be added?:
As a new player and solo player, I do a lot of shipments, and 80% of my experience so far, is just driving through an empty highway. And that is very, very boring. Specially when I get those 40+ hrs trips. So I suggest, for the sake of fun, up the speed limit to at least 120mph. I'm sure +10mph is nothing, however, it's better than nothing. It's very disencouraging having to drive 1, 2 hrs by yourself, on an empty highway. Sometimes I doubt if it's even worth playing TruckersMP due to this unfun mechanic. It's meant to be multiplayer, butt the highways are empty and you are going slow as a snail. So please; increase the bloody speed limit TO AT LEAST 120mph. Feel free to be 130. Thank you very much.
For the sake of fun