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John Boky.

Veteran Driver
 TruckersMP Profile
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About John Boky.

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  • American Garage Location
    Not set
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: Düsseldorf

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Rookie (2/13)

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  1. Thanks youre Follow :mlg_doge:

  2. Take care RJ Nub my friend

  3. Hello @CoyoteTMP Thank you Hope to meet you on the road! <333
  4. 欢迎来到我的画廊我希望你喜欢这些照片
  5. Thanks for the follow! 😊

    1. Austin1203


      np mate🥳

  6. Thank you for your follow the best GM at TruckersMP❤️

  7. you are the best GM at TruckersMP 🤣

    1. Davidsvr6-TMP


      You're the best player I've ever met 🤣

  8. Welcome back Nub 😄

  9. Congrats Big Nub 🎉

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