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aviation the best

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About aviation the best

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  • American Garage Location
    California: San Francisco
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Calais
  • Known languages
    Arabic & English & German

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  1. But when it blinks it can easily warn the driver either stop or continue but without blinking you would never know when it gets to yellow light in my country they use blinking traffic lights so it’s way better I hope they would change all traffic lights in tmp
  2. Hi, it would be so much better if you changed the traffic light to blink before closing would you agree to this. to apply it to all traffic lights in ETS2. some cities has this traffic lights to blink.
  3. I strongly agree with you that they should add it it would make it easier for reversing.
  4. Hello I have a suggestion to reduce the active bans instead of 12 months it goes away after 6 months of the ban i think it would be a great idea because 12 months is too long.
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