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Everything posted by Raxter33

  1. Raxter33


    Hello, I would like to ask if you could help me with removing one thing. Everytime I activate developer camera to make some photos it appears at the bottom of the screen. Could you please help me with removing it? If it's possible. It.. shows my steering angle? Let's say. Thanks for every answer. (https://imgur.com/6DnCeGv I don't know why, but it fails when I try to upload photo here)
  2. Thank you, I wish you luck with repairing it.
  3. Hi, I have a problem with joining a ProMods server, whenever I try to join the server it connects but it says, it is "authenticating." It happens everytime I try to join ProMods server. The only time I joined without "authenticating" was today at about 9:30 AM. I even tried to open CMD and type command "ipconfig /flushdns" but it didn't do anything. I am angry because I purchased all the DLCs only to play ProMods and it is not working. I will appreciate every help, how to solve this problem. Have a great day.
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