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Veteran Driver II
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About Gavin.

  • Birthday April 8

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  1. Thanks for the Follow!

  2. Happy Birthday!

    1. Gavin.


      thank you🥰

  3. Happy Birthday 🎂🎉

    1. Gavin.


      thank you🥰

  4. Happy birthday!🎂🥳

    1. *I2day*


      Happy birthday

    2. Gavin.


      thank you🥰

  5. Hey I am an amateur developer. In December 2023, I had a sudden idea and made a tool called ETS2DLCManager. The main purpose of making it is: For China VTC, every time the team participates in an event, they need to make an Event Archive. Since everyone may not have all the DLC, they will make two Archives, one without eight map DLC and one with eight maps. For this situation, I made this software, which can perfectly disable its DLC. Its implementation principle is: move the DLC that needs to be disabled to a folder in the C drive, so that when entering the game, ETS2 will This DLC cannot be found. This saves you the tedious process of disabling the DLC in Steam. Download GitHub:https://github.com/Gavin-TnT/ETS2DLCManager Gitee:https://gitee.com/GavinTnT/ETS2DLCManager If you have better suggestions, please contact me Email:[email protected] Discord:gavin.g
  6. Thansk for your follow! ❤️

  7. Thank you for your follow! ❤️


  8. Thank you for your attention😀

  9. Thank you for your attention

  10. Congrats!

    1. .Filip



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