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Veteran Driver II
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Everything posted by XCiaranbplaysX

  1. Hi ive reported 7 people between the 24th and the 28th of December and only one has been accepted and i was just wondering why it is taking them 4+ days to accept or decline my reports. XCiaranbplaysX
  2. You know how people have double trailers but there carrying heavy cargo can you get banned for that like for being too slow?
  3. So i put them in my ETS2MP Folder In the mod folder i created the four snow ones but it has a red An exclamation mark next to it does that not matter?
  4. hi sorry for interacting with the mod manager i didnt know but i think i have everything in the correct place but it just says no mods found i dont understand Kind Regards @XCiaranbplaysX
  5. @n0feaR. @iTab_ i have copied the pictures and mode a mod folder in my ETS2MP Folder and moved the 4 mods in there but nothing happens on my truckersmp mod manager i dont know whati am doing wrong
  6. Hello I have downloaded the new snowy mods for truckersmp and put them in my mod file with my promods so I went and activated them on normal euro truck clicked save then closed normal euro and went on truckersmp clicked on mods and just says “cannot find any mods” I’m abit confused.
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