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Veteran Driver IV
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Everything posted by Skit

  1. ok thanks that helps a lot. is there going to be a way in the future that you might be able to? in mod or in actual game client?
  2. How do I hire friends in mp to be in my company? Is it just like going to recruitment agency, or is there a special way to do it? sorry if i'm stupid just started playing to pass some time and me and my friend are trying to figure it out.
  3. nevermind.. it worked.. i dont know why i was still getting the error the first couple of times. I apologize.
  4. I still get the error, * UNSPORTED GAME VERSION DETECTED! to play ets2mp you need to have ets21.12.1s (steam release) so i followed your helpful pinned thread and went to solve my problem, but i still got that error, not sure why as i picked the correct one and let the update happen, then tried to open the mp game.. but it still came up with that error, not sure as to why. any help would be apperciated. also noted that you do have it right in the thread to get the right beta from the drop down list.. just the error itself has a *s* at the end of the 1.12.1s... thought that was interesting.
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