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Posts posted by gra3m388

  1. Yes I feel the servers could have more better Internet connections due to there bandwidth dropping when alot of players are trying to connect to these servers at any peak times of the day and also giving others in the game with broken connections now the reconnection needs to be activated again when you get kicked. Also most people don't like this and have reported it to right teams to handle this report but I think TMP needs to try listen to there community and be there and try find ways to make things better for end user and maybe have an option for the system to work on similar peer to peer. 

    Raise the patreon price and invest money on better servers like ie banks have with 100% secure peer to peer connection to game servers. 

  2. It sounds to good to miss this one guys unfortunately for me I have to miss this one as my baby girl is due to be born next couple days lol (So excited yehaa) I wish everyone a great day/night wherever you are in world. Please drive safe and happy trucking everyone. 

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