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[ATS & ETS2] Unsupported game version ×


Veteran Driver VII
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Status Updates posted by GabrielMitu

  1. the last update fps drop suddenly and is pathetic.....:angry::angry:

    1. Digital


      The workaround is to deactivate your flag DLC, that's what is known to cause the FPS drop. 

    2. GabrielMitu


      So these flags causes downtime fps...


  2. Radio 25 Romania - www.radio25.ro for Romanian Community!

  3. Fondator: Radio 25 Romania - www.radio25.ro

  4. Radio 25 Romania - www.radio25.ro

  5. La mulţi ani, Români! La mulţi ani, România!

  6. Radio 25 Romania - www.radio25.ro

  7. Summer Music - www.radio25.ro

  8. Summer Music - www.radio25.ro

  9. Radio 25 Romania - www.radio25.ro - Hiturile se promoveaza aici!

  10. Radio 25 Romania - www.radio25.ro - Hiturile se promoveaza aici!

  11. Radio 25 Romania - www.radio25.ro - Hiturile se promoveaza aici!

  12. Radio 25 Romania - www.radio25.ro

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