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Veteran Driver IX
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About iea96

  • Birthday 06/30/1996

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  1. This is actually a much better idea but i don't know if getting the WOT playtime will be as easy as getting the Steam playtime
  2. I didn't give random names to the existing servers. That's why i didn't put the server numbers or the speed limit indicators in the picture
  3. Suggestion Name: Play time based servers for more serious driversSuggestion Description: There is a huge problem in the game where hardcore simulation fans who put hundreds of hours into this game logs on to one of the servers and gets frustrated even before leaving the city because of some trolls or kids who think ETS/ATS is a racing game. I think the servers should be catagorized (see images below) depending on the driver's play time on Steam. This is really easy to read from the Steam API and even SCS Software used something similar to this when giving away the keys for the Michelin DLC today. I'm sure most of the people would really enjoy this feature and it could get even better with suggestions.Any example images: Right below.Why should it be added?: It'd create a much better atmosphere on the servers. Kind of something like a rank system.
  4. Player tag thingy isn't working for me?!
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