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Veteran Driver III
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Everything posted by _raffaele_

  1. Interesting, you know the "looooooots of problems", and you know that "more and more people driving recklessly", then prove this statements with numbers,statistics, personal experience within the staff or some data, otherwise you assuming again and again like others; you mentioning "assumption" because you learned recently this new word and you keep repeating it, but you have no idea what is it since you keep doing it, These are just random statemets without any basis = assuming/no sense/trolling/baiting I'm sure you have nothing like many others, so good luck. The management of truckers mp does not exist right? Do you think before you write or do you write just for the sake of it? What you think they do? You also have forgotten that this is not a survey to solve problems. You are the one creating the problems, and you don't even realize it
  2. I'm glad you you can make your own choices, I thought you were doubting . You are asking things that don't make sense to be asked because they are based on personal judgment and choice; it's a problem that doesn't exist. What does the situation at the restaurant have to do with a poll or choosing to suggest something for a game, I think you are trolling more than anything else
  3. It's so far out of the main topic that it doesn't make sense, Do what you want, if you think it's useless to suggest what you want don't do it, I'm not the one who has to tell you what to do or not to do
  4. "Why would you make suggestions to make lighter punishments (because you personally want lighter punishments)?" - you are not forced to make suggestions on something you are not interested, simple
  5. You don't know the results until the survey ends and everyone has given their opinion, so you don't know before starting who voted and what This survey it's way different from the past one, so the past results are not relevant for this survey "Why would you make suggestions to make lighter punishments (because you personally want lighter punishments)?" you are not forced to make suggestions on something you are not interested, simple
  6. Jeronimo has already shared enough from the past survey, more than he had to; also, the purpose of the past survey was different and the results were not to be shared publicly as he explained, the purpose was another. Also, i would avoid assuming again that the results of this survey will not be shared publicly, you don't know that yet You choose A or B on the basis of what you want or think, not on the majority, because otherwise there is no point of doing that
  7. Not to discuss more, since it was already a really long discussion, but let me tell you this, It's the principle of assuming that is wrong, not the lack of data, that's an excuse. There's nothing in the blog that says there's going to be big changes or that it's headed in a particular direction. It's just an additional gathering of additional information / deeper investigation based on many things, some mentioned in the blog. Luckily nothing more was mentioned, otherwise someone really would have bombed tmp This is an important point, you shouldn't mind what's "in line" with the trend, otherwise the survey would make no sense. You should compile or say what you think, regardless of majority/trends or other influences. Defiance and lack of trust it's something else, it does not have anything to do with it. I think by now we've already learned what assuming is, i don't think it needs to be explained again
  8. It takes 2 seconds to prove that your statement it's false: Total on c-d if we count the cities: 376+119+99+64 = 658 Total in server currently, minus people on c-d: 2775-658 = 2117 2117 people are not driving on c-d, 658 are driving on c-d, thus this popular statement/perception it's false The majority of players are not driving on c-d
  9. I don't know who you're referring to with that "they", but since you assume everything from the beginning, i guess you also assume that all those who answer about being in favor of raising the speed limit are all arcade/NFS/GTA players, that want arcade/150 limit/eu2 etc... in sim 1 server. You're already wrong here to put everyone in the same boat, since for example I've never talked about collisions and rules, wich i'm in favour, just the speed limit from the beginning; i'm against 150 limit or no speed limit at all; the rest came from your head. It was decided to do another pool to go deeper into what the players have chosen, as the past poll was very general. In the last TMP poll, before this one, it was possible to choose different options for the preferred setting of the server. As mentioned by @Jeronimο, the most voted options were both with collisions and rules active, the difference being that one was the same setting without the speed limit, the other with the speed limit (current setting), both very close in votes. The arcade server option as favorite was voted much less than both options which have collisions and rules. So this whole vanishing simulation thing is all in your heads. Seeing where these assumptions have led you/others, next time i'd think twice before screaming disaster.
  10. There was a survey halfway through last year, and you'd be amazed at the results; of what the great majority of the players would like or prefer. Maybe we will see in the future what this survey will bring regard this matter. But it's still happening, so doesn't fix much. 150 limit and EU2 were extreme, nobody talked or announced to bring back that. I don't know why you so stuck with this 150km/h limit and with EU2, again nobody mentioned that it will be back either the 150 speed limit or EU2. As you said the majority of NFS/GTA players are stuck on c-d, don't know why does this affect you. Even if they increase the speed everywhere, people will still drive there; you can see it now with the 110 limit is on all the server, many still drives there and the situation doens't seems to be "fine"
  11. @FernandoCR [ESP] @Foobrother Isn't already happening? As i mentioned, they already tried in the past with the server with the limit 90, so it's pointless, in addition it change nothing to you. You keep blaming the speed limit on what's happening in c-d when it's always been like this, it's not that the speed limit fix the bad drivers. You can stick outside c-d like you always did, the majority of NFS/GTA players you mentioning are just in c-d, it's not something that bothers you since you never drive there, even a major speed limit will not affect you in anyway I repeat again, change nothing to you or to reckless drivers, speed limit don't fix the bad drivers either affect your experience since you don't drive where the majority are. "what you're not saying is that outside C-D area you meet a player every 10min" it's obvious, i don't think it's necessary, but still i found many players during that period
  12. @FernandoCR [ESP] @Foobrother I still don't see a logical answer as to what would change from the current limit to "tryhards sim" when it doesn't affect them at all. Mystery. The limit of 110 has been there for a lifetime yet you are all still here after so many years. By the same logic you shouldn't play single player either, as you can reach a higher speed than anything achievable in TMP I've played for a while in the past off c-d, haven't found any reckless players or had any crashes in 2/3 months. What you say practically happens only in c-d, so even a possible change of the limit doesn't affect you in the least. Why don't you go complain to SCS on single player where you can go faster than any speed achievable in TMP? What happened in the past to the server with limit 90? it failed for the few players. However loud you try to complain, going down that road makes no sense. For the playerbase that has TMP, road to simulation never made sense to me.
  13. I will immediately solve the problems and concerns that you "simulation tryhards" having right now 1) Set the "simulation" speed limit in the game settings, as you already do 2) Don't drive in populated areas (example c-d), as you already do 3) Avoid events on servers that don't have the classic limit, or if they have (classic 110, like sim 1), it's still lower than any speed you can reach in single player/convoy mode; i assume you already do Whatever will happen in the future, what will change to yall? Nothing, since yall already do all
  14. Thank you for the follow buddy 😊

  15. Thank you for the follow 🥰

  16. Thank you buddy, for the follow 😄

  17. I would eliminate the in game report system, it is not as efficient as the web report system and gives a headache and unnecessary extra work to the moderators. Even if you play on a low-end PC, there are many lightweight softwares, or built in the drivers of your gpu to record a clip of a few seconds, no excuses. There are no excuses for a web report to be unseen, so for me the in game report system it's just an extra work and load to the system, not necessary.
  18. Rest in peace my friend ?

  19. Thank you for the follow ?

  20. I can't see it either, it say it does not exist. You can appeal the ban and explain that, you will get unbanned or provided with another proof if exist, usually the evidence must be available for the full duration of the ban, plus 30 days if it's not perma. Although, please bare in mind that this will be invalid if evidence is recorded by yourself, as per the rules:
  21. Thank you for the follow buddy ?

    1. 'BeatZ.


      Thank you too, for the Follow!

  22. Congrats ?

    1. Moy.


      Thank you ❤️ 

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