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Veteran Driver IV
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  1. You should do more roads like this, but two sided so just like Kirkenes. Everyone would change into that road, from the C-D road. It's boring tbh
  2. Exactly. Not only this, their crash physics must be reworked too. It rams into a truck at low speeds and overtake while giving the truck a lot of damage, and if it has more speed, it can even make the truck fall. That makes no sense. In the other hand, I once rammed into a skoda while going with 60 km/h and NOTHING happened to the skoda. It didn't even move one bit. I've seen people who drive trucks ramming into skodas and getting taken out of the way, as nothing happens to skoda. This is not a tank, it's a simple car.
  3. I am extremely sorry... It is just about me, I changed my mouse's right and left click's places due to some problems with my mouse in Windows 10 settings, however it does not apply for ETS 2. When I was banned, I tried clicking with other click but after that, I never tried. Sorry, it is completely my bad.
  4. Hello and thanks for the reply, I don't think it is about my graphics card or something about the display because my mouse isn't stuck and everything has a motion when the mouse cursor is on them. I tried anyways, it also been unclickable on the menu screen for singleplayer. Was same for DirectX11. I am trying reinstalling the game
  5. I have banned a week ago, and it has ended at 13rd January. I have reinstalled the MOD, but when I come to login screen, I can move my mouse but my clicks don't answer. I can't login. I run as administrator everytime, my Steam is running in the background... Help me, please!
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