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About firestormv

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  1. I just experienced it with my own truck on the freight market (I had to take a break because my 4 month old woke up). When I came back, the job was 0 min and late.
  2. Sorry, I don't understand - how does having my own truck magically fix this issue?
  3. The latest one that I have done - is a quick job and it's already at 0 mins. I only started it in MP.
  4. I started a quick job and it's already late - 0 min left.
  5. So the game time says Thurs night, I select a job for Friday. I start the Friday and the truck time says Sunday and the load is already late?
  6. Hi everyone, I am relatively new to TruckersMP and ETS2 in general. I think I have already messed up. I uploaded the TruckersMp history to the Steam account (when it asked me to downloaded from the cloud or upload to Steam - I picked upload). Now the game time is Thursday at 15:11 which is not correct. Help?
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