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Veteran Driver II
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Everything posted by Echosierra

  1. I don’t think so, because when i play other games its all good
  2. I have an issue with my controller. So basically ingame i can't make smooth turns because the wheel turns too fast after a certain number of degrees. Everything was fine before I reinstalled the game (but all settings went back to default sadly). Here's the video showing the problem (look at the yellow line): https://imgur.com/AO04bT3
  3. Got it. Thanks! This topic can be solved.
  4. This screenshot is the current version, but it still has the icons
  5. Hello! I was wondering how to turn on the paintjobs DLC icons?
  6. Yes! Thank you everybody for answering!
  7. Hello! Lately I've seen players with custom trailer skins (or paintjobs) that I don't have available. How can i get them? Best regards
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