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Veteran Driver IV
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by SMHR123

  1. I must say I thank you all for the Congratulations and Positive messages I have gotten from you guys. It definitely means a lot and I look forward to being in this position :HaulieLove: 

    1. WOLFI 26

      WOLFI 26

      Keep up the work! Much Appreciated

    2. Almeida.
  2. Happy Birthday 🍰 :HaulieLove:

  3. Thanks for the Follow :HaulieLove:

  4. Happy Birthday Fezz 🎂🥳

  5. Hello! I am Mathias, A 17-year-old boy from Norway who is eager to make a change and do my business wherever it is needed for me. I have two jobs right now, so I am still always doing stuff but I have the chance to meet a lot new people. Well, I do actually love helping — if a friend needs some extra hands I go, if somebody needs support at work, I am there.

    When not working, I am interested in anything that moves, especially trucks, planes, and automobiles. I was always intrigued by the mechanics behind them and the freedom that these machines represent, so I enjoy exploring this interest through simulation games. Whether I drive huge trucks or fly faux planes, I love mastering skill in those worlds. Purchasing simulation games also mean I was able to merge my fascination for vehicles with my quest in discovering how things work and, at the same time, hone my skills & enjoy driving.

    I am all about the responsibility and being there for other people. I ALWAYS give my best to be someone people can count on and trust so whether I am working, playing a game, or with you and your family and friends we have a good time.
    I look forward to get to know many of the TMP Staff and just normal truck drivers withing TruckersMP. 

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