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About crazycrinkle

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  1. Hi I cant download the drop box file. I dont know what i click on to download and it seems to want me to register or something is there a file just available to download without giving out personal info to a one-time use company? EDIT - anyone else having this problem, post to this thread. The "down arrow" download icon worked after doing that. No the file doesnt work. Dragged the game.sii file over the bat and it opens dos and gives a java error. This doesnt work anymore. This is the method which works:
  2. When I look for solutions Im meant to click the radio in the cab, but how? I have no mouse pointer. People say to right click to make it appear but that does nothing. Please tell me theres a hot key or a setting somewhere (theres nothing in audio options).
  3. As per title, the ">How to downgrade<" link on the website just goes to the download page. Which contains no information on downgrading. EDIT - I advise anyone else having problems to post in this thread, or make a new topic, as immediately after making this topic the link began to work (?????????)
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