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Veteran Driver VII
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Posts posted by Starz

  1. I love the idea of VTC's. However some people take the idea of it and make it bad for other people. For Example. The trolls on the road. that isnt fair for people who cant log jobs over a certain percentage and / or cant go into race. 

    I love seeing people on the road and honking at them.

  2. Hey there, have you tried verifying your game files in ETS2 in the steam library? If not you need to go onto steam and click on the steam libery and right clicking on ETS2 and go to local files at the top and it should be there! :) Hope this helps. Also you told the game to go to a city? If so if you need to land on the floor it is F9 :D Hope this helps 

  3. Hey there, 

    Have you tried reinstalling the Truckers MP launcher. I have had this error. Not 100% sure how I fixed it. But it was either this one or it was to either reinstalling the game for doing verifying the game files.

    If this doesn't help please let me know and I'll see to find out how I fixed it. 

    Kind regards, 


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  4. One problem with that pursuitgamer6 is they KNEW it was going to go down today. As stated here http://prntscr.com/8l7fqqthey KNEW it was coming.. just when he had time but apparently they had the time at 8.30pm they was free in the middle of a 80+ truck convoy. Seems funny. And +1 I would love to see a countdown server message when the servers go down for maintenance.  Or something similar 

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  5. The issue with time is already fixed. New update will be tomorrow.

    Any set time for the update dev. As we have a big convoy on this evening and don't want this update to mess up with this convoy like what you did on Wednesday mid convoy say there's a update coming out and we had to regroup and yes admins knew we was doing this convoy and would of been nice to have a warning before rolling out. But thanks anyway for this information and hope you can give us a time slot when it will be updated. Many thanks 

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