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Veteran Driver VII
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About kxizar

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  1. disculpe pero no able de chatear able de minimo dar informaciones mas accesibles a los que jugamos lo ablo por todos hay niños de no mas de 14 años que dudo que sepan ingles basico y les complica leer sus indicaciones y no obtante comenten faltas grabes por no saber los que los administradores advierten. excuse me but do not talk chat discuss minimum give more information accessible to those who play it ablo all children are not over 14 years that I doubt they know basic English and complicates them read their instructions and not obtante comment you record faults for not knowing the administrators warn.
  2. hello hello with good I am writing to you with the following concern, is that most of the time to give administrators information only written in English and the game see Chilean Spanish Portuguese etc .. and only write in one language, so hard to understand if the minimum indications admins know more languages deverian to give more information in languages apologize for my concern but I wanted to share with you from greetings and thank you for your attention.
  3. fixed wheels see no more of Scania and Mercedes volvos the can see, and as to have them in ultra graphics
  4. hello a question that can not see spinning wheels of other trucks?
  5. because I can not appeal forum help please
  6. because I can not appeal forum help please
  7. hello, where I can upload a video for you to see and ban a user who shocked me and would not let me pass.
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