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Veteran Driver IV
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Everything posted by LeoIsMyName

  1. So... there was this streamer... and I was ahead of him, he was streaming, and well... there was a truck on the side of the road, from my angle it looked like it was pulling out to me, so I hit the breaks as hard as I could, Forgetting he was behind me he hit me, and then I went to his stream and he is saying im getting banned and he clipped it, so I watched it and it actually looked like I was trolling him, but I have no evidence I guess to any of this, so what do I do if he gets me banned? How I got to his stream was because he kept spamming in chat his channel everytime he saw someone | How I got to his stream is because he was spamming his channel everytime he saw someone
  2. Hi, so I require some help, I own ATS truckersMP, I recently bought ETS 2, I want to create an account for truckersMP, do I need to create a whole new account with a different email on truckersMP? or is they a way to link it with this account?
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