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Veteran Driver III
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Everything posted by wantedlinks

  1. If a person types out a filtered curse word, it will replace it with hashtags or a warning message saying "Don't Curse!". Instead of forcing kicks and bans upon hundreds of people that swear throughout a server, wouldn't it be easier to just eliminate swearing as a whole? This system can save in-game admins tons of time and it will be really effective, simply just add common curse words to a blacklist and there, if someone swears, the server will either turn that message into hashtags, or it will send a warning to the person saying "Don't Curse!", and if they curse 3 times, the server will issue either a kick or a 1-3 day ban for the person that cursed. This once again, saves in-game moderators/admins lots of time as they can respond to serious offenses.
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