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Veteran Driver III
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  • Interests
    Go Karting, Mountain Biking,
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    The Netherlands: Rotterdam
  • Known languages
    English, German

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  1. Hello @[Plasma] Sergey, it would be really really nice if you could tell me this step by step. I'm really not into ETS2 or ETS2 "modding". I have windows 10, so that this is cleared up before. Again thank you for your help, Duced.
  2. Hello @[Plasma] Sergey, thank you for your fast respond. Sadly it didn't worked. The weird thing is that even tho I saved this new created profile I can't find it in the ETS2-profiles folder. It should not be corrputed, I bought ETS2 legally so it should work everything. I really don't wan't to reinstall ETS2, because I really have bad internet. It would be really nice if you could help my out more, but anyway thank you! Duced.
  3. Hello TruckersMP Community, this is my first question i'm asking so don't blame me at this one . I had to reinstall Windows on my Computer and now all my document-files are "gone", I'm not sure if they are deleted, it's just that I can't find them anymore and here is why. When I downloaded a beginner save game and put it into "Username - Documents - Euro Truck Simulator 2 - profiles" nothing happened. I also put it into "steam_profiles" but either nothing happened. I want to know where my save games are saved then and where I can put this beginner save game thingy. I'm sorry for grammatical errors, I'm german, please help me if you can and thank you!
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