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Everything posted by KUBl

  1. Suggestion Name: (Promods) Remove certain 'city zones' on some highway parts (ring roads) around large cities. Suggestion Description: Since promods is implemented into the game. I've made some large trips passing big cities. There are some parts of the highway (ring roads) that are within the ''city zone'' that cause you to drive 60km/h on the highway. A lot of large cities suffer from this like the highway around Warszawa (PL), Wien (A), Nice (F), Bilbao (E) and many more cities. (There are more cities, so there needs to be some investigation if this suggestion gets accepted.) So my suggestion in short is to remove certain parts of the highway around large cities out of the 'cityzone' where you're limited to 60km/h. I suggest these 'cityarea zones' to be removed so that you can keep driving your desired speed instead of being limited to 60km/h. Any example images: Click me (video) Why should it be added?: Driving 60km/h on a highway is pretty much a waste of time and not necessary in the promods server where the traffic density is overall low.
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