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Everything posted by DwiinDovah38

  1. thank you guys so much for the aid on this issue it helped me understand my problem a lot
  2. Hey guys, I have been playing ATS for a little while now, and I have noticed when I first started that my truck is so much slower than my fellow players. with a trailer I top out at 65mph and 81mph without. I know TruckersMP uses the "speed limiter" setting to keep everyone from doing dumb stuff like flying off the road at 120 and slamming into other trucks. as I drive down the road at 65 though, I notice every other trucker out there is flying past me. I feel more like a road hazard out there then one of their fellow truckers. I waited and leveled up to see if time and a better truck will help solve my issue. but here I am in some of the biggest trucks on the road, still looking like a speedbump. I'm not sure if this is a bug, or something else at play here. thanks for y'alls' time.
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