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Veteran Driver
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Everything posted by Flippy12

  1. Suggestion Name: Make detours and random road events occur for everyone at the same time. Suggestion Description: Have events like detours occur for all people in the server for a period of time. Any example images: N/A Why should it be added?: Events like detours and random road events will cause people to swerve out of the way of the event and collide with other drivers, causing chaos and people getting sent back to the service stations. This is because some drivers that have the event swerve out of the way like madmen and others that don’t have it aren’t ready to stop and thus collide. When the events occur for everyone, all drivers know what is coming and can adjust accordingly. For detours, drivers that are caught In one can warn other drivers behind them about the detour, adjusting their plans earlier and averting an accident. For random road events, all drivers can see the events, giving them the opportunity to merge and prevent collisions with other trucks and seemingly invincible pedestrians.
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