Posts posted by [VIVA] Matty
Healthy competition is always nice! I think the devs would need to be careful not to reverse-engineer official multiplayer sourcode though as that might be stepping too much on SCS' toes.
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Did someone say hugs? Sign me up already!
Love the idea of fallback accessories making the experience less jarring for players missing DLC. TMP always looking out for everyone, really appreciate the effort.
Best of luck with the event! We look forward to attending.
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Looking forward to the event!
We congratulate you on this important milestone and look forward to the event!
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Congratulations on the magnificent milestone of 2 years of service! Viva look forward to being there to mark the occasion!
Good luck at this event, supporting such a fantastic cause! We will be with you.
Viva look forward to attending!
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We're all excited about this event. All the best of luck
Matty -
Thank you for all your replies and well wishes folks!
We have worked hard to make this event as exciting and enjoyable as possible, and we cannot wait to welcome you all along! We want to continue building bridges in the community going forward and this milestone marks the start of this renewed commitment. Big developments are coming!
We look forward to welcoming you along!With kind regards,
Matty | Director of Events
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in Archived
Appreciated as ever!