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Veteran Driver V
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by Alina*

  1. Alina*

    i cant log

  2. Please look to my video
  3. good job thank you
  4. i solved my problem I typed password to document I can now play online thank you all helping me Cherry Chan
  5. I cant log in online Please check your password
  6. Alina*


    my problem been solved thank you all help me Cherry Chan‎‏
  7. Alina*


    the problem is not solved Play moments then exit game I don't know what to do
  8. Alina*


    hello dear i did installed windows now problem not end
  9. Alina*


    i have a problem in my game plz help me
  10. Alina*


    Hello Please look my video
  11. Alina*


    Welcome dear the problem not end i have slow game and do not work properly please help me and thank you
  12. Alina*


    when the game update was done the error came look plz
  13. thank you
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