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Veteran Driver V
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Posts posted by Ferkaz

  1. The developers know about the issue and they are trying to fix it soon as possible. All you need to do is to log back online and keep playing. The issue is not on your side so no worries.  :)

    • Upvote 1
  2. The multiplayer mod have done something special: Then you are logging out and going offline for the night you should come late to the job. But they have protected your load so you on longer get LATE then you are logging off. The time increase and this is maybe the problem with the company drivers. I don't think you should have a company then you are driving on Multiplayer, have never worked for me and hope they fix this in the future.

  3. Okey, I am always looking up answers from old forum posts. And they sad you need to create a new profile and then buy your own truck before heading back into the multiplayer. And your current profile is bugged or something because you can't do the economy reset.

  4. If you are crashing instant then you are joining you need to load an old save game. 


    The developers already know about the issue that people are crashing in-game, they are trying to fix it fast as possible. Thanks

  5. I understand, but if you try creating a new profile and play on single player until you can get your own truck. Then comeback playing multiplayer to continue. If its taking to long time you can try taking a loan from the bank. 


    - Good Luck.  :)

  6. Tak, uruchomić multiplayer z pulpitu. Wtedy jesteś na ekranie Ustawienia prasowych logowania. Następnie trzeba kliknąć ustawienia można włączyć / wyłączyć mod zimowy.


    Jeśli nie rozumiesz, co mam na myśli proszę napisać odpowiedź.

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