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About legpain1

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  1. In singleplayer you can get a bigger garage and hire people to work for you and they'll bring in some steady money. Is this possible in Euro Truck MP by going to the job centre as normal.. Will they still bring in the same amount of money?
  2. Hi yeah the issue has been solved. I don't intend on blocking junctions like mentioned in the video it's just that at some intersections and T-Junctions I stop to let out about 7 trucks that have been waiting and I presume this is allowed as cars should give way to trucks.. Furthermore it's not like I am leaving my lane I am simply just stopping before intersections as usually the speed is VERY slow around 3 - 6 kmh.
  3. Hi I am fairly new to TruckersMP But I have been loving the Scout Pilot vehicle. At the minute I just enjoy driving around and heading towards congested areas to try help out some people and solve massive queues. So far I have been fairly successful in just letting truckers out of T junctions and notifying other drivers that there has been a collision further ahead by parking my vehicle with hazards and beacon on. Is what i'm doing allowed and accepted or should I avoid doing it. What is the purpose of the pilot vehicle for too or is what I am doing the purpose?
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