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Status Updates posted by DJ_Hunter

  1. Busy planning a new Charity event for next year here: https://truckersmp.com/events/5842,   


    Let's hope it's a good one, I am sure it will be as this is important to me and I will do everything I can to make it successful.


    1. DJ_Hunter


      This event is really personal to me due to myself have a severe hearing loss in both ears and really struggle at times with emotional and depressing moods.

      The charity I am supporting called HearingLink has personally helped me with the emotional issues I have had as I am able to talk to people who are going through the same thing.

      I really want to raise awareness about hearing loss due to it being a hidden disability that can affect anyone at any time in their life.

  2. Thank you for the follow

  3. Thank you for the follow.

    1. XeoNN


      you're welcome ^^

  4. Thank you for following.

    1. Signore_Derin


      you're welcome! me too I thnk you for the follow  ?❤️ 

  5. Thank you for the follow. ?

  6. Thank you for the follow!

  7. Thank you  for the follow.

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